what is lactose?

Lactose is a sugar

0g of Lactose per Serving

No Sugar, No Lactose

If you take a look at the nutrition facts on our cheeses, you’ll see they have zero sugar. Zero Sugar means Zero Lactose! When cheese is made,  starter organisms are added to the cheese vats that consume the lactose which allows the cheese to coagulate and develop the body and flavor of the cheese. The consumption of the lactose by the starter organisms is what makes cheese lactose free.  

During the cheese making process the starter does its work on the lactose…the starter ‘grows” by consuming the lactose as energy until all the lactose is gone, at which point the starter is no longer active. After proper aging the cheese is converted into a form that you the consumer can consume and enjoy its great flavor.

At Joseph Farms, we regularly test our products through a third party to ensure they meet our standards and get our official 0g of Lactose per Serving label

CFR-Code of Federal Regulations title 21- https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=184.1388